Hi! I'm Gerard,
Software Developer

Create your projects integrating 

Frontend , Backend & Infrastructure

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Light design-system for React Native & Web with themes, animations, fully responsive, and much more.


Catalyzing software infrastructure through Monorepo practices and Docker for streamlined development & integration.


Delivering robust and scalable solutions to power the core functionality of software applications using NodeJS.


Deliver high-performance, static/dynamic and SEO-friendly webs with Next.js!

I create powerful web applications using Next.js, a highly acclaimed React framework designed for web development. My expertise encompasses a wide range of web development techniques, including server-side rendering (SSR) and static site generation (SSG). These advanced techniques are essential for delivering high-performance websites with optimal search engine visibility (SEO).


Accelerate how you build, share and run applications.

Love to design and build end-to-end software infrastructure, encompassing databases, backends, frontends, webservers  and other microservices.  My approach includes utilizing monorepo architecture  for streamlined development and creating isolated systems with Docker  for enhanced reliability and scalability.

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Develop the logic for your bussiness or product with NodeJS!

I specialize in backend development using NodeJS and Express to build robust backend applications. Proficient in JavaScript and Typescript, I create scalable and efficient server-side solutions like APIs, third-party API integrations, scrappers and more.

About me

I'm graduated in telecommunications engineering with a solid background in software development.

I currently work at as a Senior Software Engineer, specializing in the creation of in-house products based on hybrid low-code technologies.

For a comprehensive view of my work, please feel free to explore my GitHub profile, where I showcase a collection of projects that I have personally developed.

Aptitude resume

Partial evaluation, based on my laboral experience and self-developed projects  ✅

Higher is better. As of October 2023.



wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwThe software delivered is fully integrated with whole existing ecosystem. Integration represents the '80' in the 80/20 effort design rule for software development.


Short feedback cycles as they allow to continuously refine and tailor the software to precisely meet the client's evolving needs, resulting in better accuracy and client satisfaction


All pieces and frameworks used to develop the software are chosen to fit the current project needs and prepared for the future.


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwProtecting sensitive company and the software users data. Maintaining also a compilance with region regulations.


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwA program is not static! Make as many changes you want!


wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwThe developed pieces keep as simple as possible allowing extensibility, portability and compatibility with other systems.